
The Albury City Band traces its history back to 1867, and has now been entertaining the local community for over 150 years. Records show that it is one of the oldest continuously operating bands in the Southern Hemisphere, having (prior to the 2020 coronavirus pandemic) never gone into recess even during wartime or the Great Depression.

During the latter 1800s and early 1900s, community bands were very popular, with few other relaxation activities for the people generally, and the band entertained regularly at Noreuil Park, the Albury Botanic gardens, Dean Square (now QE II Square) and from various main street hotel balconies.

In those earlier times the band was a brass band which took part in many State competitions and contests, meeting with a great deal of success. The last occasion we contested was in 1950 when the band won the NSW 'A' Grade Aggregate for set piece, own choice, and for marching.

The Albury City Band remains one of the busiest community bands in Australia and undertakes a program of around 20 appearances each year, in addition to weekly rehearsals. Most play-outs are for Albury City and a wide range of community and charitable groups from Albury and surrounding districts.

In 1985 the band changed musical direction to become a Concert Band, which includes a wide range of woodwind instruments and an extended percussion section as well as the brass family of instruments. Becoming a Concert Band provides greater flexibility, sound and repertoire, and has ensured that the Albury City Band remains in great demand for community events.

Since our first ever Annual Concert in 1986, the Band has presented a two and a half hour concert each year, with a focus on community benefit.


The band rehearses  every Wednesday evening commencing at 7.30 pm at the Band Hall in Reserve Street, Albury. We welcome concert and brass band musicians to 'sit in' at rehearsals when visiting Albury/Wodonga, or when moving to this area for short or long term postings.